Mixed Pairs
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4 Bowls. 18 Ends.
1. This competition is open to all players registered to Bowls England through Suffolk County BE.
2. Each pair must consist of one lady and one gentleman.
3. All games must be played under the BE Mixed Pairs rules, with the exception that the National Competition is 3 bowls. This competition is played under domestic formats, and is maintained as 4 bowls.
4. Midweek games shall not commence before 6pm of after 7pm except by mutual agreement.
5. All games must be completed by the final date of the round. Any need for an extension must be reported to the Competition Secretary and any ruling will be at their discretion.
6. Dress for all rounds up to the Semi-Final will be white tops or club shirts and grey, Semi- Final onwards will be played in whites alongside the other domestic finals.
7. The result should be entered by the WINNING team following the instructions on the Portal, AND a copy/picture of the FULLY COMPLETED scorecard (with all player names) to either be emailed to compsec.suffolkbowlsbe@gmail.com or sent via WhatsApp / Text to 07957 159678.