Early Rounds

Please read all guidance and competition rules before submitting your entries. Supporting documents can be found in the drop-down menus at the top of this page.

All entries must be submitted through an account with a unique email address and password. It is suggested that a player does not use their own personal password but uses one that other members of their team can be aware of and use in an emergency. 

All players must be affiliated to Bowls England through the Suffolk Bowls BE association.

Whoever makes the entry through this portal takes responsibility and ownership for all communications resulting from it – score submissions, next round updates etc. For competitions outside Singles play, please ensure that this is understood by all members of your rink.
If you are making the entry on behalf of someone else consider where communications to that player should be sent, as this is automated based on your account details.

The closing date for entries is 11:59pm on Friday 28th February 2025.

Any player who has registered on the system and wishes to play their competitions from a different Club this season must contact the Competition Secretary to get the club they are recorded against changed. A player does not have the ability to change their club once they are on the system.
Should a player inadvertently be drawn into the wrong area because their account details have them listed to the wrong club then their entry may be forfeited and their opponent awarded a walkover.



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