Unbadged Singles

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Unbadged  Singles


1. All games to be played under Bowls England rules of the game.

 2. Four Woods, first to score 21 shots.

 3. The competition is open to players who have never been badged.  A Badged player is a Bowler who has played more than 4 games for Suffolk County.  This includes Middleton.Eastern Counties, Adams or Newton. Senior or Junior

 4. The Challenger shall contact their opponent 21 days before the first round offering 3 dates, one of which must be a weekend.  One of these dates should be accepted within 48 hours.  

5. Thereafter, 3 dates must be offered  within 48 hours after the closing date of the previous round. One of these dates should be accepted within 48 hours.

 6. The winner should immediately submit their score, following instructions on the portal

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